5 To draw a 3D Object you may need to use the OpenGL ES API. We will generate and render a 3D cylinder object for the purpose of getting acquainted with OpenGL ES on Android. 3d Model Viewer Open Source Apps On Google Play To create the folder right-click on the app folder in. . Mobile App Development Android Projects for 250 - 750. Add 3D object assets to Project Under your project app folder add folder named sampledata Copy your 3D model source asset file obj fbx or gltf and all of its dependencies mtl. Here you have the main steps you may need to implement in order to load you own 3D object. The API is typically used to interact with a graphics processing unit to achieve hardware-accelerated. Extend the GLSurfaceViewRenderer class so from the onDrawFrame you make all the OpenGL API calls to setup the GL environment and draw the 3d object. Launch Scene Viewer using an explicit intent 3D or AR To support the widest range ...